

Senior Software Engineer with 9+ years of experience building, architecting, and deploying, over 200+ different websites, applications, and APIs. Bilingual with experience handling offshore teams.


  • Sr. Software Engineer
    ( 2022 — Present )


    • Directed the technical and programmatic facets of product acquisitions, successfully migrating thousands of users while ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of customer data.
    • Delivered innovative solutions to multiple teams in tandem, demonstrating adaptability and openness to change under varying market conditions.
    • Apart of the AI taskforce to help automate and streamline with the use of different AI toolings and custom ML.
    • Technologies Used: PHP, Python, pandas, flask, Typescript, Javascript, SCSS, SQL, NoSQL, GraphQL, PostgreSQL Next.js, React.js, Salesforce, Magento, Marketo, Memcached, PostgreSQL, Linux, Reddis, AWS, WP blocks(Gutenberg).
  • Sr. Software Engineer
    ( 2020 — 2022 )

    Cprime - Goldman Sachs

    • Worked alongside the Global Marketing Team, Sales, and Applications Team to handle global acquisition projects
    • Lead the Wordpress Headless Project by adopting and educating the team on new technologies such as GraphQL and advanced javascript which included A/B testing and deploying different meta frameworks such as Next.js, Nuxt.js, Gatsby.js.
    • Lead the i18n project from the ground up. From content organization, CMS permissions management, Multi-Locale communication, and strung together the resources to have over 2000 pages translated to multiple locales.
    • Technologies Used: PHP, Javascript, SCSS, SQL, NoSQL, GraphQL, Next.js, React.js, Salesforce, Magento, Marketo, Memcached, Linux, Reddis, AWS, WP blocks(Gutenberg).
  • Sr. Software Engineer
    ( 2020 - 2021 )

    Artist Republik

    • Created an SaaS Product that I sold to Artist Republik. During this acquisition I helped onboard the entire app to their platform.
    • Worked alongside their marketing department to rebrand the site.
    • Worked alongside their engineering department to convert and install their checkout flow onto the app.
    • Created data syncs for past, current, and future sales to their database and fully integrated the app as one of their product offerings.
    • Technologies Used: Node.js, PHP, React.js, Wordpress, Laravel, Javascript, Python, flask, SQL, PostgreSQL, Twilio, WooCommerce, Stripe, Hubspot, Linux, Google Cloud.
  • Sr. Front End Developer
    ( 2015 - 2020 )

    Rearview Advertising

    • Ran a team of 4 developers using agile methodologies on over 200 different web projects.
    • Created and maintained the company standard on the life cycle of a web project. "What web technologies we adopted and why?".
    • Maintained relationships with our stakeholders and coordinated expectations and delivery.
    • Lead the development of our proprietary MLS API project. With roughly 40% of our clients in the real estate sector, this increased development immensely by creating a much more manageable / maintainable MLS feed for current and future clients.
    • Technologies Used: Node.js, Python, React.js, PHP, Wordpress, Laravel, Javascript, Jquery, SQL, Gatsby.js, Twilio, WooCommerce, Stripe, Hubspot, Salesforce, Linux, AWS

System Design & Architecture

Monolithic & Decoupled Systems


Front End Development

Backend Development

Mobile App Development


Lead Generation


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